Welcome to AdLibertas

AdLibertas is a data platform for mobile apps that collects, processes and stores your app’s data, giving users in your organization, flexible, easy-to-use interactive analytics.

Getting Started

Got 1.5 minutes? Check out a video overview of the platform:

TL;DR: AdLibertas collects all of your important app data and helps you answer questions about user behavior and track the performance of your business.

Interested in learning more on how the AdLibertas platform works? Check out details on our data pipeline and architecture in the section below.

How it works

Guides: How can it be used

See how some of our customers use AdLibertas to grow their apps:

Looking to see how we can help your specific use case? Schedule a conversation!

Integrating your data

No SDK: Getting started only requires API credentials. Wherever we can leverage your existing technology stack, we connect via APIs to started quickly. You can stop anytime.

Combining and unifying the data generated by your users can be a complex undertaking. At AdLibertas we’ve built our business around providing easy, actionable access to complex data to mobile app developers. Our mission is simple: build the tools so you can focus on making better apps, not wrestling with data.

See how we connect with your data in 3 easy steps:

Connecting in 3 steps

Last updated