Creating Advanced User-Level Reports

Advanced reporting allows you to create and refine reports on users identified in the Advanced Audience Builder.

This article will walk you through how you can create an advanced report to compare and contrast different audiences.


Once you’ve created an advanced audience, you’ll want to define the date range you’d like to see your audience reported on, as well as choose other audiences to compare and contrast performance.

Navigate to Audience Reporting > Audience Reporting > +New Advanced Report

From here you can add multiple audiences to compare them against each other.

1. Report Name & Description

A method to differentiate the reports you create. Can be very helpful to find and reference in the future.

2. Absolute Date Range

An absolute report shows your audience over a set, defined date range. For example, let’s say you have an audience defined as all users who’ve clicked an onboarding button, an absolute report will show all of these users' performance during the defined time period.

3. Relative User Day

A relative report (also called a user-cohort report) is a report that shows all of your defined audience starting with the same install date. For example, let’s say you have an audience defined as all users who’ve clicked an onboarding button, the relative report will show all of these users from the date they’ve installed the app.

Because the relative report shows the user’s journey from day 0, only users who have an install date are included in relative reports.

Because this report can traverse all of your data looking for user install dates, it takes longer to run than absolute reports.

4. Both

Shows both absolute and relative reports. Because this traverses much more data, these reports take longer than a single type.

5. Restrict User install dates (Relative Reports only)

This feature will allow you to restrict the timeframe of relative users to a certain timeframe. Helpful if you’d like the report to run faster, or if you want to only include users who’ve been added to the app during a certain timeframe.

6. Days in Lifecycle (Relative Reports only)

Allows you to choose the number of days returned for a user’s lifecycle. For instance “30” would only return the first 30-days of a user’s lifecycle.

7. Absolute Date Period (Absolute Reports only)

The time period in actual dates which you want to display your audience performance

8. Custom Metrics

This allows you to add metrics to your report. A metric is defined as a discrete user event: such as in_app_purchase, or session_start. Custom Metrics will show in your report as an average, per daily active user, and as a total of your audience.

9. Choosing Audiences

Here you’ll be allowed to choose one or more audiences to measure revenue performance over time. Keep in mind your audience is defined by the events they’ve engaged with during a time period, the reports are those user’s performance over the

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