Understanding “Audience Restraints”

Related: Using User-level Audience Reporting :: Creating an Audience

When using Audience Reporting when you create an audience, you’re defining a data-set of users through conditions (actions, behaviors, or user properties.) Audience Restraints give you the ability to restrain these defining conditions to only apply to certain timeframes as referenced against user’s install/re-install event.

Condition Restraint

Some notes:

  • A user’s install event is defined as day 0

  • While the event defining the condition needs to be within the defined audience timeframe, the user’s install date does not.

  • The user’s install (by default) is the first_open_timestamp

Audience Restraint:

The Audience Restraint applies the same defined restraint to all conditions in the defined audience.

More reading:

Audience Reporting Walkthroughs

Last updated