Facebook Reporting

Granting access on Facebook can be confusing at first blush. Facebook Advertising Network allows two types of reporting credentials

  1. Facebook System User Token – granted by token, does not expire. (Facebook preferred method).

  2. Facebook Login – granted by a Facebook Developer. Expires after 90-days.

1. Facebook System User Tokens

  • Facebook allows granular access to applications via a granted System User Token — a walk-through of creating one is available here.

  • After creating the token, select “System User Token” from the drop-down on the Facebook Credential Page.

  • Once we’re received credentials we will display the token’s validity for each Facebook app ID we have access to.

Note: If your token doesn’t allow access to Facebook reporting, we will not include Facebook reporting for this app.

2. Facebook Login

Requires you log in with credentials associated with the app developer’s account. Facebook credentials will require renewal every 90 days, when you receive notification of pending expiration, please log in to The Ad Network Dashboard of the AdLibertas dashboard to revoke & renew your credentials.

An example of adding Facebook credentials:

An example of renewing Facebook credentials:

Last updated