Connect AdLibertas to Firebase

This article covers how to enable AdLibertas to collect and store Firebase analytics and AB testing data

Firebase by itself doesn’t allow access to individual events. To enable AdLibertas Audience Reporting to access your Firebase data you’ll need to first link a Firebase project to BigQuery (google documentation)

Data Sampling on Spark: inaccuracies on the free plan

Google BigQuery is available for all Firebase projects. For Firebase projects that stay on the Spark plan, the raw event data exported to BigQuery is sampled and only represents ~10% of the actual events on the free plan. To export all events you’ll need to upgrade to the Blaze Plan.

  • You’ll need Firebase owner privileges to enable this feature

  • Be sure to include advertising identifiers.

  • We recommend daily exports, to minimize your costs.

Note: Today we only export Google Analytics, so you don’t need to enable Crashlytics / / etc. But you will want to export Include advertising identifiers in export for maximum user granularity.

It takes up to 24 hours for the dataset to be created and for event collection to begin.

Step 2: Add AdLibertas as a viewer to your Firebase Project

Next, you'll want to invite an AdLibertas-enabled Firebase user to your project(s). In addition to your data export, this will enable us to pull Experiment names directly from your AB tests running in Firebase.

Add <yourcompanyname> to your Firebase project with Viewer role.

You’ll need to have owner privileges to add members to your Firebase account.

Related: Firebase Reporting Details

Last updated